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Transcultural psychotherapy, says Rosalba Terranova-Cecchini, considers the reactions of the human body, the behavior of individuals and the works of man from the point of view of the ways of thinking and specific preferences handed down by the cultural heritage of the various communities. It enriches man's knowledge by adding the cultural factor to the biological and psychological factor. Transcultural psychotherapy correctly applies to the promotion and defense of health, understood as defined by the World Health Organization, not only as a bio-psychological state, but also social, and therefore deepens the culturally appropriate meaning of the organization of work, of the economy, of education, of law, of the way of living, of the forms of living together and of communicating in and outside institutions.


Each system that is the individual or the family system is the bearer of its own culture, values ​​and models.

It is for this reason that both individual and family cross-cultural counseling does not only target individuals who derive from a different socio-cultural context but broadens their gaze to all those who fit into those social changes that have changed the boundaries, hierarchies, communication styles and the traditional life cycle.



We're working on it

The Aipsit Association also deals with psychodiagnostic evaluations, having internally psychotherapists specialized in psychodiagnosis.


The tests most used in the clinical and / or expert field are:

  • The cognitive tests especially WISC IV and WAIS IV as well as Raven's Bender and Progressive Matrices

  • Personality tests especially the MMPI-2

  • The paper-pencil tests especially the Drawing of the human figure, of the tree, of the family and of the double moon

  • Projective tests especially Rorschach, TAT, CAT, Duss' fables

  • The genogram, that is, the co-construction of one's family history


Being transcultural psychotherapists, we asked ourselves: can a test be "Culture-free" or is it related to a specific cultural context?


We're working on it


We're working on it


The cross-cultural approach looks at each individual as an object of cultural transmission and subject of psychological selection: an Italian student - as well as a 'foreigner' - builds his own identity through the experiences of the family, community and peer environment, drawing deeply from the daily school experience and how it is interpreted in the family. Different cultures appear in the school starting from Italian families as well as from foreign ones, for this reason the cross-cultural approach in the school always tries to extend to the entire community of an institution. However, it is appropriate to consider how migration phenomena have placed the accent, in Italy, on dimensions of conflict and on difficulties related to 'foreign' pupils (presence, insertion, language, ...): for this reason, working in the school often leads to the introduction of a cross-cultural perspective starting from reports of unease in 'foreign' pupils.





We're working on it


We're working on it

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