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GRT - Group for Transcultural Relations

The Group for Transcultural Relations (GRT) is a small NGO, deliberately small because we aim for the essentials: in Italy a small but efficient structure is enough.

We believe it is important to respond competently, and therefore to intervene where we as an association have something to say and also to learn. Our association is made up of members who also work in the social sector in Italy, mainly educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, doctors. The headquarters of the GRT is shared with a cooperative that operates in Milan in the social sector: the Itinerant Company, and spaces are offered to other associations that always operate in the social sphere. In addition to being an economic choice, this responds to the tension of the GRT of research and professional comparison.

Even abroad, the TSO aims not to create expensive and difficult to manage structures, impossible to support by local counterparts. In our projects we try to respond taking into account the resources available on the spot, to support local staff through training and highlighting their skills and resources.

The funds are therefore invested on local staff, on minimal and manageable equipment, on the offer of resources that allow the development of the autonomy of local associations and especially of the beneficiaries of the projects.


Transcultural Institute for Health

Cecchini-Pace Foundation

The Cecchini Pace Foundation pursues aims of social solidarity to be exercised through the promotion and defense of health in our society. The Foundation promotes a specialization course in cross-cultural psychotherapy and offers various services through the cross-cultural clinical center.

The course was born in 2002 within the Transcultural Institute for Health of the Cecchini Pace Foundation. The Institute is dedicated to research, study and training on the relationship between cultural changes and the psychic adaptation required of people: a difficult adaptation that causes the increase of mental distress in our societies.

Since the 70s the current teachers in charge of the course have gained experience working in the cultures of Africa, the Americas and Asia, confronting the leaders of transcultural thought, the new psychology that came from this thought and the extraordinarily modern and suitable therapy at the time that followed: and they then applied it in their jobs as university teachers or primary hospital staff.

The transcultural psychotherapy course aims to provide the theoretical knowledge and techniques necessary to relate to the patient taking into account all the cultural characteristics that make it unique and which often constitute pathogenic elements and resources for healing.

The transcultural methodology enables us to cross cultures, communicate "through" them.

For the psychotherapist, cross-cultural training, contrary to what is proposed by the ethnopsychiatric model, means increasing the hermeneutic capacity with respect to the subjects that require its intervention, acquiring specific skills with respect to understanding and analyzing the culture of patients without having to undertake specific cognitive paths of each individual culture uncontested .


School of psychodiagnostic culture

"Silvia Montagna"

Founder of the "Silvia Montagna" Group and Director of the Course in Integrated Psychodiagnostics is Prof. Fernando Incurvati psychologist - psychotherapist - highly professional psychodiagnostic.

The Group offers training courses in integrated psychodiagnosis through the use of psychological tests such as Rorschach, Graphic Test, MMPI-2, WAISS, Raven matrices, Bender test, Z-Test, 16 Pf. The wide panorama of tests on which training is based allows professionals to grasp the complex reality of the human being, not simply explaining it but understanding it, never losing sight of the unity and at the same time the diversity of the person.

The teacher trainers are all psychologists - psychotherapists of different orientation, highly specialized in psychodiagnosis in various areas of use

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Development & Integration

Social Cooperative Onlus

The Social Cooperative Development & Integration non-profit organization was established in December 2007 by a group of psychologists who have been operating for some time in the area of intervention connected to the management of social services mainly aimed at addressing the problems of personal, social and psychological development of the individual, as well as to promote training actions for the development of the individual's well-being.

The priority but not exclusive areas are:

a) psycho-social services such as protection of minors, support for parenting, prevention and treatment of child maladjustment
b) rehabilitation services such as the job placement of disabled people, social inclusion of disabled people, psycho-social rehabilitation of minors subject to criminal interventions
c) the educational sphere with interventions at the educational institution of all levels and degrees with counseling, training, orientation activities; intervention in educational structures such as communities for minors in synergy with other structures / cooperatives.
d) individual, couple and family psychotherapy service aimed at both adults and people of developmental age.

© 2019 by AIPsiT, Italian Association of Transcultural Psychotherapy

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