Ordinary Members AIPsiT
Dr. Corinne Recenti
Email c orinne.recenti@me.com cell. +39 3468166681
Psychologist - Transcultural Psychotherapist since 2008
Dr. Miriam Micai
Email not. miriam@gmail.com cell. +39 3397547745
Psychologist - Transcultural Psychotherapist since 2008
Dr. Nives Martini
E-mail ni-ni-ve@libero.it cell. +39 3494696180
Psychologist - Transcultural Psychotherapist since 2008
Dr. Micaela Barbuzzi
Email micabarbuzzi@gmail.com cell. +39 3337492703
Psychologist - Transcultural Psychotherapist since 2008
Dr. Finizia Scivittaro
Dr. Finizia Scivittaro
Psychoanalyst, psychologist and Transcultural psychotherapist.
Via Don Bosco, 54 - 35030 Selvazzano Dentro (Padua).
Tel. +39 3493804271
Dr.ssa Gabriella Lattuca
Dr.ssa Gabriella Lattuca
Transcultural psychologist and psychotherapist.
Traveling a lot, being born bilingual and having always had contact with other cultures, I decided to approach transcultural psychotherapy. The relationship between cultural changes, adaptation processes and development of new mental pathologies finds the necessary response in the renewal of individual care practices and community intervention. This reality, more evident for foreigners present in Italy, also characterizes the indigenous population.
Since 2016 I am president of Aipsit (Italian Association of Transcultural Psychotherapy).
For six years I have been the director of the School of Psychodiagnostic Culture Silvia Montagna.
I deal with Psychodiagnosis both as a trainer and by administering tests at the appraised level, for certifications (e.g. law 104 and right to work), or at a clinical level privately to patients who immediately want a first diagnosis.
The tests I mostly use are: the Rorschach test, the graphic tests, the MMPI-2 and the cognitive tests (especially WISC-IV for children and WAIS for adults).
The areas of main interest and interventions I deal with are manifold: Psychology of children and adolescents, inter-school relationships, panic attacks, couple problems, depression.
I have my studio in Venice in Campo San Polo 2173 and in Milan in Via A. Fogazzaro, 1
Dr. Miriam Micai born in Novara on 21/12/1972, N ° Iscriz. Piedmont Psychologists Register 4053.
Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the University of Turin, Psychotherapist with a dynamic-transcultural orientation with a Diploma from the Specialization Course in Transcultural Psychotherapy of the Cecchini Pace Foundation in Milan. Post-graduate training in the field of childhood at the Complex of Neuropsychiatry for Children "Maggiore Hospital of Charity" in Novara in the areas: Research Projects, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Child Psychotherapy.
From 2004 to 2012 training and collaboration as a member of the Steering Group of the "Nuccia Fonio Study Center" in Novara, a center for the study and quality of life in developmental age and for the entire life cycle. Currently Psychotherapist in the area of children / adults, Trainer, Supervisor of social and welfare services, Expert in legal psychology in the civil area and Technical Consultant of the CTP part.
Since 2013 I have been teaching the "Relationship and development of the child" area of the Specialization course in Transcultural Psychotherapy. Founding member and member of AipsiT, Italian Association of Transcultural Psychotherapy in Milan.
Founder and member of the Steering Group of the Gruppopsychè Association of Novara ( www.gruppopsyche.it ).
Born in Treviglio (BG) on 24/10/1964 and residing in Venice since 1989, she carries out numerous activities in the clinical, social, didactic and training fields.
In the 25 years of activity mainly carried out in the cities of Venice and Milan, he has supported training-supervision and research work both in other cities of Italy (Parma, Modena, Padua, Udine, Rome, ..) and abroad (Thesalloniki - Greece, Barcelona - Spain).
Psychological consultant since 1996 for the Social Policies of the Municipality of Venice, she has dealt with projects relating to the reception of unaccompanied foreign minors and asylum seekers, and the evaluation of the parental skills required by the Juvenile Court to the Social Service.
For the School of Specialization in Transcultural Psychotherapy (Fondazione Cecchini Pace in Milan) he performs the role of group supervisor with third and fourth year students.
The activity as a trainer is mainly addressed to socio-health workers belonging to both the Public Institutions and the Third Sector - Social Private. She also took care of the training of the school educators and of the figure of the Cultural Linguistic Mediator on the issues of migration and ways of treating foreign children.
Personal and / or didactic analysis are practiced privately at a studio in Venice.
The clinical activity is addressed, also on the basis of the reference model, to both adults and minors, individually and / or to the couple, to the family, to Italian and foreign people. The specificity of the different situations allows you to use the most appropriate methods for the case.
He is currently President of AIPsiT Veneto with registered office in Venice.
Born in San Benedetto del Tronto on 23.01.1975. He carries out freelance activities in Paese (TV), Venice and Padua, specifically addressed to eating disorders, depression, anxiety and panic attack, adolescent and parenting problems, and transcultural according to the theoretical reference model. Founding member AIPSIT - Italian Association of Transcultural Psychotherapy and CCT Papalagi - Transcultural Clinical Center based in Padua. He has many years of experience with psychiatric patients suffering from severe mental illness. He carries out psychodiagnostic activities with particular attention to the personalization of tests in the evaluation of the foreign patient. Collaborate with psychiatrists and / or lawyers for the assessment of mental damage (also in the workplace) and evaluation of parenting skills through clinical interviews and the main psychodiagnostic tests (WAIS-R, MMPI-2, DMI, Big Five Questionnaire BFG, Organizational Checkup System OCS, Tematic Apperception Test TAT, Rorschach, Graphic Test, PM-38 and PM-47, Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test). Trainer in training / refresher courses for educators / community operators and services on the protection of minors and foreign minors. It also carries out training seminars on management and organizational analysis, leadership and assessment of issues related to the working environment, bullying and burnout.
He is currently a support teacher and holds seminars and training meetings for teachers on the themes of school inclusion, Bes DSA, difficult class management, innovative teaching, robotics / educational electronics, 3D design and prototyping.
I have been carrying out clinical activity in Padua for over 20 years, dealing with anxiety disorders, depression, mood disorders and relationship problems in adults and in developmental age.
Since 1998 I have been dealing with the treatment of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia and obesity), within the Kora Center and currently within the Ananke Center in Padua.
At the same time I collaborated with the Department of Addictions of Padua dedicating myself to the treatment of drug addictions.
Since 2013 I have been Provincial President of the CIF - Italian Women's Center of Padua - an association born in 1945 for the protection and promotion of women's rights; within the Family Counseling Center of the CIF I dedicate myself to the problems of the couple and to the fight against violence against women, following women who are victims of violence and, if necessary, accompanying them also in the paths of denunciation and cases in court.
I trained in a cross-cultural perspective at the Fondazione Cecchini Pace psychotherapy institute in Milan because I believe that the culture of belonging has a great influence on the way we express psychic distress.
I have always supported clinical activity with continuous personal and theoretical training, participating in study groups, seminars and conferences on specific issues concerning psychoanalysis and the different forms of subjective distress.
I believe that psychic suffering can be a premise of the ethical, provided that it is transformed. For this to happen, it is necessary to open and guarantee a space for the experience of thought, a space to be able to live this experience in relation to one's emotions. Thinking well allows us to act well. In the ability to perform acts, each of us expresses his or her own choice and decision possibility and his or her own unique and unrepeatable way of being in the world.
Dr. Maurizio Dionigi
Dr. Maurizio Dionigi
Transcultural psychologist and psychotherapist.
Tel. +39 3273222455
email: mauriziodionigi@libero.it
Doctor, Graduated from the University of Perugia, enrolled in the list of Psychotherapist Doctors of the Order of Doctors of the province of Monza. Specialized in transcultural psychotherapy at the Cecchini Pace Foundation (Ric. Miur DM 09/07/2001) in Milan, member of the Italian Association of Transcultural Psychotherapy.
I have been involved in Public Health activities for many years with high management responsibilities. In this context, as a member of the Coordination Body for Mental Health of the Prov. From Monza, I followed collaborative projects between the Mental Health Services and the Territorial Medicine for the treatment of patients with anxiety and depression disorders. In 2020, during the pandemic emergency in Lombardy, I coordinated a psycho-social team to support people and families affected by Covid 19. Trainer expert in narrative practices in the relationship of care and health promotion, I carry out the activity of psychotherapist with passion, to which I dedicate continuous study and insights.
I work in Perugia at my private office in via Savonarola 88.
Dr. Katiuscia Melato
Katiuscia Dr. Melato
CREI Monza representative
Psychologist Transcultural Psychotherapist
cell. 3489819439
Dr.ssa Domenica Pirrotta
Dr. Domenica Pirrotta
Transcultural Psychologist Psychotherapist
I was born as an occupational and clinical psychologist, a title I obtained at the University of Padua. This dual belonging of mine has led me to experiment both in training and in therapy. I worked in the job placement of disabled people and subsequently I took care of training for two companies that deal with human resources.
I then wanted to deepen my skills in clinical psychology and I enrolled in the Transcultural Psychotherapy school of the Cecchini Pace Foundation in Milan, a school that met my 360-degree vision of the human being who is part of a culture and conditioned by it also in the expression of psychic discomfort.
I opened the studio where I currently work in Monza in 2010.
I then specialized in the therapy of New Addictions, in particular gambling addiction, which I believe is a form of psychic discomfort typical of our culture.
I'm also trained in Mindfulness MBSR protocol, which helps me provide the tools that people in our society often need to deal with life's stressful events; this also aligns with my lifelong passion for the oriental world and its infinite wisdom, I have been practicing Hatha Yoga since I was 16 and meditating for more than a decade.
Since 2007 I have also worked as a teacher in the school, in particular I have followed disabled students* and in the last 7 years I have been the Intercultural Manager of the Institute where I work, dealing with the reception of students* from other countries, relations with families and with the territory to generate synergies of cultural and social inclusion; I continue to do training but for teachers.
I like art: I paint and I adore cinema and poetry, all forms of creativity in general, and my work as a psychotherapist allows me to feed this side of my personality, helping the people who come to me to be aware of the own creativity, in a spiral of growth and mutual connection. I am an avid reader and a phrase that represents me is that of Oscar Wilde who says "Selfishness does not consist in living as we please but in demanding that others live as we please".
I specialized in Transcultural Psychotherapy in 2015
at the Cecchini Pace Foundation in Milan, I obtained the
degree in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of
Bologna with headquarters in Cesena. I have been collaborating with various studios since 2015
associated in Bologna in the conduct of individual psychotherapy and
psychological support interviews for adults and adolescents. For three
For years I have combined in-person therapy with online therapy
at Serenis Health Medical Center, offering courses of
psychotherapy to Italian and foreign patients not only residents in
Italy but also abroad. I deal with anxiety disorders,
mood, substance addiction, bereavement and related issues
to loss and separation, youth distress, processes
migrants, expats, self-integrity disorders. I have collaborated
as a psychologist since 2017 with non-profit organizations located on the
Bologna area hosting refugee and asylum seeker women
asylum, victims of trafficking with multiple traumas due to violence in
country of origin and during the migratory journey. I conducted
annual therapies at the mental health centers of the ASL
Bolognese with adult patients attending through a health ticket. I have
in depth at the Center for Language Disabilities and
Cognitive “Corte Roncati” of Bologna the evaluation
neuropsychological for learning disorders and I have followed various
adolescents in study method improvement courses
through the use of teaching materials, cognitive maps in order
to reduce cognitive effort and improve performance
schools. I collaborated with the Umanamente Association which
has been dealing with pathological gambling and support for years
relatives of these victims in the city of Bologna.
I believe that therapeutic work is based on the deep bond that exists
is created between patient and therapist following a flow
dynamic and evolving, this relationship will become the agent of
change itself. Psychotherapy can offer in turn
exceptional a cultural break, where the patient can
“to temporarily transgress” the imposed traditional norm
from society, characterized by harmony and inhibition of
negative feelings. Through the person's narration
I observe how his genetic and cultural heritage declines with the
historical, political and geographical variables of the environmental system
where it is inserted, this helps to understand where the
rupture of meaning and crisis. Through therapy they are re-signified
the events and together we build a possible understanding and
explanation of the points where the endogenous push to its own
individual growth has been blocked, favoring integration
of one's experiences and one's rebirth.