Psychodiagnostic Consulting and Evaluation
The Aipsit Association also deals with psychodiagnostic evaluations, having internally psychotherapists specialized in psychodiagnosis.
The tests most used in the clinical and / or expert field are:
The cognitive tests especially WISC IV and WAIS IV as well as Raven's Bender and Progressive Matrices
Personality tests especially the MMPI-2
The paper-pencil tests especially the Drawing of the human figure, of the tree, of the family and of the double moon
Projective tests especially Rorschach, TAT, CAT, Duss' fables
The genogram, that is, the co-construction of one's family history
Being transcultural psychotherapists, we asked ourselves: can a test be "Culture-free" or is it related to a specific cultural context?
No, there are no culturally free tests. The concept of Test belongs to western culture, technologically advanced. It is an expression of the typical sensitivity of the "northern world" society in which we usually measure and evaluate ourselves: every dimension of daily life revolves around providing performance, results, outcomes, to be tested.
We could now differentiate the question between tests and tests, but there should be some fundamental axioms to follow:
The possibility for a foreign patient to express himself with his mother tongue
The use and presence of a linguistic-cultural mediator
Prefer the Genogram, the paper - pencil tests and the Rorschach test
A qualitative and non-quantitative reading of the test results
If possible, avoid cognitive tests that inevitably suffer from a high level of schooling and even more are clearly influenced by the family culture and by the place where schooling took place, if it happened.
In conclusion: the more multilingual a test is, the more original and faithful to the projective-communicative intentions of the test taker with attention to the double meanings of words and the investigation must never be taken for granted. The comparison with the mediator will always be fundamental.